понедельник, 4 апреля 2016 г.

The child's intelligent contest "Chomusyky" on the 1st of April, 2016

If you want children to create, give 
from the fire of your creativity
a one spark to your child. 
If you are not able to creativity, or if you might 
think it's a fake fan to come 
to the child's interests world - nothing happens.
V. O. Suchomlynskii

Today, the most popular and effective method to identify, support and develop gifted children are competitions (both local and regional). Education of gifted and talented children, their preparation for professional self-realization in life are our current issues.

Talented children - the opportunity to create a smart elite of tomorrow. Intellectual elite of any nation consists of  creative personalities, bright, thinking people. 


And what about Fixikies?

In the first contest competed young naturalists. Among them - the pupil of №6 "Rainbow" Yuri Romanenko.

The competitive activity also opens up opportunities to create optimal conditions to identify individual abilities, knowledge, skills, development of volitional, communicative personalities. Participation in the competition helps to implement the principles of the personality-oriented approach to training and education of children.

In the second contest competed young linguists. Among them - the pupil of №6 "Rainbow" Lahmotova Sofia.

The interesting games with Fixiki were held after each round  .

 In the third contest of young competed. Among them - the pupil of №6 "Rainbow" Pronenko Valery.

An exciting moment: award winners and participants.

Team intellectuals of the nursery school №382 "Dzhereltse"

Thus, the participation of children in intellectual competitions is an important step in solving the problem of talented children detection, and, thus, the  contests are the effective ways to identify and implement the opportunities to young geniuses. 

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